Hours & Contact Information
School Hours: 9:15 AM till 2:45 PM
AM Classes: 9:15 AM till 11:45 AM
PM Classes: 12:15 PM till 2:45 PM
Summer and Vacation Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays 9:00 AM till 2:00 PM
Phone: 978-597-3085
Absence Phone: 978-597-5254
News & Announcements
SECC Preschool Informaiton Night on 2/11 and 2/25 at 6pm
The FY26 Budget Development FAQ has been added to the Budget Development Page on the district website, under the School Committee section.
The North Middlesex Regional School Committee and district administrators on Thursday announced the potential closing of two schools at the end of the current school year, as well as cuts to programs and teaching staff to address ongoing structural funding issues created by inadequate state support.
Superintendent Brad Morgan is pleased to announce the appointment of Laurie Smith as Principal of North Middlesex Regional High School, effective immediately.
Five North Middlesex Regional High School students have made a significant impact on their school community by supporting efforts to install an adaptive swing at Spaulding Memorial School in Townsend.
North Middlesex Regional High School hosted a Unified Sports Basketball Jamboree with student-athletes from North Middlesex, Ayer-Shirley, Littleton and Groton-Dunstable high schools.